About this website and the person behind it

Being sort of a web enthusiast, I always wanted a place where I could share my ideas with the internet while also being in control of the underlying platform. This website is a way for me to have such a place.

The name "fadedstreetlamp" came into my mind as I was shuffling random words and imagery in my head in order to come up with a domain name. I didn't really bother with the name too much as all I wanted to do was spin up a web server on a VPS that could be accessed from the internet. Despite being chosen without much thought, the name actually reflects some of the ideas which I had in my head while making the site. I was at a point in life where I was experiencing disinterest in previous hobbies, such as my various interests related to technology. Eventually I ended up ditching tech, but after a while, decided to make a comeback. Creating web pages used to be a joyful experience for me, and I managed to bring some of that joy back by starting this website. Kind of like a street lamp shining at half brightness.